Volunteers from DILI distribute emergency baskets to people suffering during the coronavirus lockdown

PUBLISHED: 08:16 15 June 2020 | UPDATED: 08:59 15 June 2020

One of the emergency gift baskets for single mothers. Picture: Submitted by DILI Management


A project has seen those hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic in Wood Green and Tottenham delivered emergency provisions.

Tania-Cyrena, director, founder and chief executive of DILI Management. Picture: Submitted by DILI ManagementTania-Cyrena, director, founder and chief executive of DILI Management. Picture: Submitted by DILI Management

Volunteers from sports company DILI (Dream It Live It) Management, have been working with Haringey Council, Monero Kids Boutique, and Edible London to pack and distribute gift baskets.

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They include food, educational resources, fitness essentials, soft toys, books, clothes and other items to help single parents or those living alone and on a low income.

“We’re overwhelmed by the volunteers,” said Tania-Cyren Cyrus, director, founder and chief executive of DILI Management. “We are all one team, one family and one community.

“So many people joined the movement and came together to make this project work and I’m so grateful.”

An unnamed recipient of a basket in Wood Green said: “It was emotional, and I was extremely grateful for food, books and fitness items.”

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