Ripple XRP Becoming Stronger Than Before to Support High-Frequency Payments

Ripple is evolving with the shifting global tide as the trends concerning financial transactions are becoming increasingly critical for people from across the globe.  The global digital payment growth is accelerating, and the e-transactions are up by more than 40%, according to Ripple Insights.

Ripple (XRP) tweeted:  “While ODL-related transaction volume may look a little different this month, our focus on supporting low-value, high-frequency payments is stronger than ever.”

Ripple are continuing to support low-value, high-frequency payments with ODL, and it looks like ODL is very compelling to enable the future of global payments.  It is anticipated that Ripple will support more of business transactions than before on the RippleNet.

Brad Garlinghouse stated, “The value of a digital asset comes from the utility it has. So, the XRP price is a good measure of how much value add/utility it has. XRP price has underperformed almost the entire crypto market and even equity markets in 2020.”

There is a widespread rumor that Bank of America is on the Ripplenet. Investors feel that there is a very good chance for Bank of America to not “announce” their association with Ripple because there is no need for banks to announce backend workings of their companies.

Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted:  “Ripple (XRP) are increasingly focusing on smaller payments, which is a good thing. However, investors are looking at aggressive profits, and they feel like there is zero accountability.”

Ripple (XRP) Practical Analogy by a Commentator

Investors are not happy as they are not able to make profits like they thought, they should be. However, the reality is that Ripple XRP are trying to put their mouth where the money is as opposed to simply targeting on big investments. Some investors feel this is a practical move.

Erin Van Dijk stated, “Staying the Course in Remittances and SME Payments” – “SME cross-border payments is a significant portion of this market, at least $10-15 trillion annually.”

A practical analogy by a commentator read like:  “It’s the same as anything, you take bites out of the apple and in the end there is no apple to bite because you have consumed it all…take over all the small payments until the big banks realize that a big bite of their apple is gone!!! Building a wall is one brick at a time.”

While many people feel that remittances are a very small market, some feel it is a freaking good thing about what XRP is doing in terms of concentrating on small payments.