Litecoin, Stellar’s Lumen, and Tron’s TRX

For the day ahead

Stellar’s Lumen would need to move back through the $0.07090 pivot to support a run at the first major resistance level at $0.07190.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Stellar’s Lumen to break back through to $0.071 levels.

Barring a broad-based crypto rally, the first major resistance level and Tuesday’s high $0.072 would likely limit any upside.

Failure to move through the $0.07090 pivot could see Stellar’s Lumen struggle throughout the day.

A fall through to sub-$0.070 levels would the first major support level at $0.06985 into play.

Barring an extended crypto sell-off, however, Stellar’s Lumen should steer clear of the second major support level at $0.06889.

Looking at the Technical Indicators

Major Support Level: $0.06985

Major Resistance Level: $0.07190

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $0.1051

38% FIB Retracement Level: $0.1433

62% FIB Retracement Level: $0.2050

Tron’s TRX

Tron’s TRX gained just 0.06% on Tuesday. Following a 0.29% rise on Monday, Tron’s TRX ended the day at $0.016157.

It was a relatively bullish start to the day. Tron’s TRX rose an early morning intraday high $0.016275 before hitting reverse.

Falling short of the first major resistance level at $0.01654, Tron’s TRX slid to an early afternoon intraday low $0.015993.

Steering clear of the first major support level at $0.01538, Tron’s TRX recovered to $0.0165 levels to end the day flat.

At the time of writing, Tron’s TRX was down by 0.93% to $0.016007. A bearish start to the day saw Tron’s TRX fall from an early morning high $0.016102 to a low $0.016007.

Tron’s TRX left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.