Ethereum Classic (ETC) Brand and the Call to Action by Ecosystem Participants

Ethereum Classic expressed that the network is made up of strangers from across the world which coordinate on the network with money, property and agreements as ETC is permissionless, trust-minimized, and socially scalable.

The Etherplan talks about The Ethereum Classic Brand Promise, its positioning, personality and the communications.

During the DAO crisis and debates, Ethereum began to promote community ethics as a method of governance in terms of what is good and bad in Ethereum, this is the time when the blockchain philosophical divide took place.  It was established then that security ultimately rests on the community ethics.

From a marketing perspective, it was opined that community expresses the idea of exclusion.  To avoid the idea of smallness some are using terms like ecosystem for community, participant for member, and ETC for We/Us.

Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted:  “The brand personality of Ethereum Classic (ETC) establishes an ecosystem motto that Code in Law.”

Ethereum Classic tweeted:  “ETC and ETH will support similar offerings, like enterprise blockchain tools or #DeFi #dApps, but ETC would offer a tested mechanism to support those apps with PoW. ICYMI: Phoenix Sets Stage for Ethereum Classic’s Second Major Departure from Ethereum.”

The call to action is building decentralized applications on ETC, Anchor Layer 2 systems on ETC, Investing in $ETC, Running an ETC node for exchange, wallet, start up, or application.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Swap Tutorial

For those who are looking to onboard Ethereum Classic, but are not sure how to onboard after comparing the services and finding the best rate, there is an ETC swap tutorial.

There has been a significant increase in the code updates in several projects like Ethereum, Chainlink and Bitcoin.  Further the developer activity is increasing in EOS, BCash and Tron in a significant manner.

ETC core expresses that Ethereum Classic is the underdog in programmable money and further stated that it is the first Dapp platform which prioritizes the hard money properties.  The recent central banking policy consumers are likely to regress back to principles to realize just a few crypto.

Some investors express that they will be glad if one day they will be able to return ETC and hope that the value will become sufficient enough to buy a house.

Ethereum Classic is set to survive. They are home to several innovative projects. They did not forget the importance of sustaining interoperability with Ethereum. In the end, it looks like they are about healthy competition for good.