Bitcoin (BTC) Up $10.09 in Last 4 Hours, Entered Today Up 0.62%; in an Uptrend Over Past 90 Days

Bitcoin 4 Hour Price Update

Updated June 21, 2020 03:18 AM GMT (11:18 PM EST)

Bitcoin came into the current 4 hour candle up 0.11% ($10.09) from the open of the previous 4 hours, marking the 3rd candle in a row an upward move has occurred. Relative to other instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Bitcoin ranked 2nd since the previous 4 hours in terms of percentage price change.

Bitcoin Daily Price Recap

The end of a 3 day negative run has come for Bitcoin, which finished the day prior up 0.62% ($57.35). The change in price came along side change in volume that was down 38.24% from previous day, but up 16.58% from the Saturday of last week. Relative to other instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Bitcoin ranked 2nd since the day prior in terms of percentage price change. Here is a daily price chart of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Technical Analysis

Notably, Bitcoin is now close to its 20 and 50 day moving averages, which may act as price barrier for the asset. The clearest trend exists on the 90 day timeframe, which shows price moving up over that time. It should be noted, though, that a trend in the opposite direction, going down, exists on the 14 day timeframe. This may setup an interesting opportunity for traders looking to buy dips in anticipation of the primary trend resuming. Or to view things another way, note that out of the past 14 days Bitcoin’s price has gone up 8 them.

Overheard on Twitter

For laughs, fights, or genuinely useful information, let’s see what the most popular tweets pertaining to Bitcoin for the past day were:

  • From maxkeiser:

    Love competition. A few years ago we saw some competition among alt-coins trying to take on #Bitcoin. BTC crushed them and all key metrics prove BTC is running away with the market and no alt survives. Next stop: BTC competes directly with Gold and $USD for global supremacy.

  • From binance:

    Give a warm welcome to our next speaker, @APompliano! Anthony Pompliano, Co-founder & Partner at Morgan Creek Digital, will join the #Binance Virtual Conference on July 14th. “Long #Bitcoin, Short the Bankers.” Sign up for your free ticket. ⬇️ #BinanceTurns3

  • From hodl_american:

    Your fiat friends will betray you the minute the mob applies pressure to them.It won’t be personal, they have to in order to save themselves.Bitcoin friends are free to speak their mind. They may side with you or against you, but they won’t be pressured into joining the mob.

For a longer news piece related to BTC that’s been generating discussion, check out:

Paul Tudor Jones to Be Biggest Bitcoin Holder in 2 Years — Max Keiser

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