Why Add Bitcoin to Your Portfolio Now”

IPO Edge, in partnership with Off the Chain Capital, LLC, a digital currency & blockchain asset investment manager and The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association, a Florida trade association for financial professionals, hosted a Webinar and audience Q&A on Tuesday, May 26 at 4pm EST – Turbulent Times: Why Add Bitcoin to Your Portfolio Now.

To watch a replay of the Webinar, please CLICK HERE AND USE PASSCODE: 4b=x2U0?

The Webinar featured Brian Estes, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner at Off the Chain Capital, LLC, which employs a value-based approach to cryptocurrency inspired by the works of Graham and Dodd. Bitcoin has come into the spotlight recently as central banks around the world adopt zero interest rate policies and investors including Paul Tudor Jones have taken significant positions in the cryptocurrency. Whether as a substitute for fiat currencies such as the U.S dollar or a hedge against inflation, bitcoin has drawn Wall Street’s attention as investors navigate the latest financial crisis.

Cryptocurrencies may also disrupt legacy technology companies like Amazon.com, Inc., Facebook, Inc., Paypal Holdings, Inc., and Apple Inc. Decentralized platforms built on blockchain technology using cryptocurrency for native tokens on the internet pose a challenge such tech giants.

Mr. Estes discussed:

  • Why does bitcoin have value?
  • What is the bitcoin halving and why is it important?
  • Today’s global debt crisis and how it will benefit bitcoin
  • Why add bitcoin to a diversified investment portfolio
  • Models used to determine bitcoin’s value
  • The best ways to add bitcoin to a portfolio
  • How to keep bitcoin investments secure

Brian Estes is the CIO and Managing Partner at Off the Chain Capital; he is also invested in the General Partner at Polychain. Brian helped finance, build, and mentor 4 blockchain companies whose combined value is over $10B today. Prior to his involvement in blockchain in 2014, Brian was a leading endowment and foundation asset manager who was ranked in the top 1/10th of 1% of Morningstar asset managers between 2004 -2014. Brian has his BA from the University of Illinois and MBA with high honors from Washington University. Brian also studied at Cambridge University and the London School of Economics. For fun, Brian has been an instrument-rated private pilot for 30 years and has over 2100 flight hours in his single-engine Cessna Cardinal. 

Note: This Webinar is intended for informational purposes only and not to solicit any specific investment. 

IPO Edge Contact:

John Jannarone, Editor-in-Chief




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