Solve.Care Launches Blockchain-Powered Global Telehealth Exchange

Solve.Care Launches Blockchain-Powered Global Telehealth Exchange

What You Should Know:

Healthcare platform Solve.Care has announced the launch of the Global Telehealth Exchange (GTHE), a first-of-its-kind landmark deployment of blockchain and digital currency aimed at tackling the challenges facing the global healthcare system today. 

The GTHE, a decentralized care network, removes the physical and geographical barriers associated with accessing healthcare services while also providing administrative, payment, and care coordination for all. 

a global healthcare blockchain
technology company that aims to redefine the current healthcare system has
announced the launch of Global Telehealth Exchange (GTHE). GTHE is a
decentralized care network offering telehealth services while also providing
administrative, payment, and care coordination for all. 

Why It Matters

COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we access
healthcare, and now more than ever, people are reluctant to visit their
doctors. With the introduction of GTHE, anyone seeking healthcare will no
longer be limited by physical or geographical barriers. Users will be able to
consult medical practitioners anywhere in the world through their computers or
personal devices. GTHE will provide physicians who wish to practice
telemedicine the opportunity to be listed on the global blockchain registry.
Once listed, they can publish their profiles, rates, availability, and readily
accept appointments. As it is an open system, third party telehealth solutions
will also have the opportunity to utilize this registry. 

Upon patients’ consent, doctors can immediately review their
medical records, eliminating the time-wasted conducting repeat assessments and
unnecessary medical tests. Because all records and transactions are stored on
blockchain, users of GTHE can rest assured that their records are secure and
tamper-proof. All transactions on GTHE will be in SOLVE, the company’s native
digital token, making foreign currency exchange rates and bank commissions

Pradeep Goel, CEO of Solve.Care, commented, “The Covid-19
pandemic has severely tested the way healthcare systems are organized and delivered
from a number of perspectives. Now, more and more patients are reluctant to
visit their doctors due to the pandemic. Medical practitioners who are not
primarily involved in treating Covid-19 cases have experienced a significant
drop in patient appointments. The launch of Global Telehealth Exchange is
geared towards remedying this imbalance. We at Solve.Care believe that GTHE is
the first of its kind in the world, a true landmark deployment of blockchain
and digital currency that addresses many of the challenges that the global
healthcare system is facing today.” 

“It is clear that we are moving towards a decentralized
healthcare system, and Covid-19 has accelerated that process dramatically. The
need for greater patient empowerment has never been more pronounced, and access
to quality healthcare should not be restricted by barriers such as geography,
systemic inefficiencies, and administrative bureaucracy. Resolving these issues
has always been Solve.Care’s mission, and I believe that today’s healthcare
industry is more than ready for what GTHE has to offer,” concluded Goel.


GTHE can be accessed through the Care.Wallet, Solve.Care’s
personalized healthcare management system, and will be commercially available
for users in select markets in the second half of the year.