Monero (XMR) Improving Merchant Adoption with Nag Marketing Free from Fees Offer

A lot has been happening about making Monero merchant adoption possible.  Monero does not want to pray for the moon; rather, they have decided to work and facilitate the change they want to see in the ecosystem.

There are several merchants who are not accepting XMR.  Monero is involved in a nag campaign.  They are following the basics of conventional wisdom, which reinstates that if someone should become aware of a message, they need to see it seven times.

The logic from Monero Outreach states, “The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to contact your favorite merchant and ask them if they’ve considered accepting Monero, because that would be your preferred method of payment. They might say yes, they might say no, but at least you’ve made them think about it. It won’t be the last time they hear about Monero, but it might be their first.”

Monero is making available a dollar bill sized brochure that can be printed and put in the wallet.  It is meant to invite small business owners to learn more about the Monero Merchant Services page.

Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted:  “Getting free from fees is a good offer to ensure merchant adoption of Monero (XMR).  Nag marketing is a well-thought marketing strategy.”

Monero is very smart about their marketing strategies.  They also have something called the Monero Guerilla Marketing Toolkit.  And those XMR enthusiasts will not also want to miss about getting started with Helping Monero.

Monero wants more users to “Download the ready-to-print file!” to help boost their market efforts.

And they continue to promote and re-promote the Monero Means Money documentary, probably nag advertising.

Koe & Sarang Noether: Zero to Monero – 2nd Edition is worth the watch by users and developers who have time.

Monero (XMR) Nitrogen Nebula

Monero retweeted: “A new project joins the Monero Ecosystem: PiNode-XMR, a self-installing Monero Node for Single Board Computers with Web Interface and additional tools pre-configured.”

‘Nitrogen Nebula’ was chosen as the name for the upcoming v0.16 release!  The CLI v0.16.0.0 ‘Nitrogen Nebula’ has been tagged! Further, the Release binaries are set to be be published soon.

Several users are investing in XMR as a long to very long term play, and therefore they are not concerned about the immediate price trends.

One of the techy stated, some more good Monero news, yet another chain-analysis company has publicly stated they cannot monitor Monero transactions: