Litecoin, Stellar’s Lumen, and Tron’s TRX

For the day ahead

Stellar’s Lumen would need to move back through to $0.07030 levels to bring the first major resistance level at $0.07292 into play.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Stellar’s Lumen to break out from Wednesday’s high $0.072218.

Barring a broad-based crypto rebound, resistance at $0.072 would likely leave Stellar’s Lumen short of the first major resistance level.

Failure to move through to $0.07030 levels could see Stellar’s Lumen fall deeper into the red.

A fall through to sub-$0.069 levels would bring the first major support level at $0.06834 into play.

Barring an extended crypto sell-off, however, Stellar’s Lumen should steer clear of the second major support level at $0.06571.

Looking at the Technical Indicators

Major Support Level: $0.06834

Major Resistance Level: $0.07292

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $0.1051

38% FIB Retracement Level: $0.1433

62% FIB Retracement Level: $0.2050

Tron’s TRX

Tron’s TRX slid by 3.36% on Wednesday. Reversing a 2.29% rally from Tuesday, Tron’s TRX ended the day at $0.014980.

A bearish start to the day saw Tron’s TRX slide from an early morning intraday high $0.015501 to a mid-afternoon intraday low $0.014634.

Tron’s TRX slid through the first major support level at $0.01521 and the second major support level at $0.01483.

Finding support late in the day, Tron’s TRX recovered to $0.015 levels before easing back.

While breaking back through the second major support level, Tron’s TRX came up short of the first major support level at the day end.

At the time of writing, Tron’s TRX was down by 0.22% to $0.014947. A mixed start to the day saw Tron’s TRX rise to an early morning high $0.015049 before falling to a low $0.014790.

Tron’s TRX left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.