Litecoin (LTC) Up $0.2 in Last 4 Hours, Started Today Up 3.63%; Breaks Above 50 Day Average

Litecoin 4 Hour Price Update

Updated May 23, 2020 01:35 AM GMT (09:35 PM EST)

Litecoin came into the current 4 hour candle up 0.45% ($0.2) from the open of the last 4 hour candle, marking the 5th candle in a row an increase has occurred. Out of the 5 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Litecoin ended up ranking 2nd for the four-hour candle in terms of price change relative to the last 4 hour candle.

Litecoin Daily Price Recap

The choppiness in the recent daily price action of Litecoin continues; to start today, it came in at a price of 44.22 US dollars, up 3.63% ($1.55) since the day prior. This move happened on lower volume, as yesterday’s volume was down 5.63% from the day before — and down 12.79% from the same day the week before. Out of the 5 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Litecoin ended up ranking 2nd for the day in terms of price change relative to the day prior. The daily price chart of Litecoin below illustrates.

Litecoin Technical Analysis

First things first: Litecoin crossed above its 50 day moving average yesterday. For another vantage point, consider that Litecoin’s price has gone up 7 of the previous 10 trading days.

Overheard on Twitter

For laughs, fights, or genuinely useful information, let’s see what the most popular tweets pertaining to Litecoin for the past day were:

  • From flappening:

    #litecoin has done a good job on holding while #bitcoin falls a little. Maybe this is the beginning of the climb back to a more normal comparison rate.

  • From meshconomy:

    @MASTERBTCLTC @SatoshiLite @TheRealXinxi @ecurrencyhodler @loshan1212 @Franklyn408 @Litewallet_App Thats cool! is Flexa something like Bitpay? I just went to the website, it says their “engineering team practices a culture of contributing code back to the projects that we rely on”That sounds a lot like Tari. Hopefully @FlexaHQ becomes more active in litecoin development.


    Litecoin is a tool to transfer wealth from those arrogant enough to bet against supply and demand economics to those who are humble enough to believe the simplest rule in finance.

As for a news story related to Litecoin getting some buzz:

Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread – Development – Litecointalk Forum

Thanks for the update David….Thanks for the update….Thanks for the updates, David!…Thanks for the update Thanks for the update, David!…great going Thanks for the update!