Litecoin (LTC) Getting Run for Money Due to New Enthusiasm for Digibyte (DGB)

Those cryptocurrency investors who have been looking at Litecoin (LTC) and Digibyte (DGB) for quite some time now are developing a bias towards DigiByte.

One of the cryptocurrency enthusiasts expressed, “Damn, I’m feeling major FOMO right now. I seriously want to trade a good chunk of my #Litecoin for #DigiByte right now. #DGB has far more upside IMO.”

Many feel that Litecoin (LTC) has had its time earlier this year; therefore, they feel LTC will not do anything like what Digibyte (DGB) is set to do.

When comparing LTC to DGB, investors think there is not much future holding LTC.

On the other hand, there are LiteCoin Maximalists who do not agree with the idea of Charlie Lee one day dumping away.  They, however, acknowledge that they have been finding several great things about other projects and about how they continue to have respect for Litecoin, Charlie Lee, and the community.

Some LTC holders feel they should have swapped their LTC for DASH when the prices were trending neck to neck. Despite all the criticisms due to the current Limelight on DGB, Litecoin Community expects it to shine.

Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted:  “It is true that Litecoin (LTC) investors are tempted to get their run for money due to the new enthusiasm in the crypto space for Digibyte (DGB), but let us wait for the hype to subside and reality to take over.”

The April progress update from Litecoin read:  “Functional test framework written. Block validation tests completed. Integration with the existing codebase has started.”

Litecoin (LTC) Joining Luno in Couple of Months

For those who are new to Litecoin, The Lite School have published a school through the LTCFoundation.

The Lite School Tweeted:  “Yo yo yo! Understanding #Litecoin is now on @amazonbooks ! It’s now easier than ever to onboard newcomers into $LTC. Share it with your friends and family.”

One of the comprehensive review about Litecoin in the Lite School meant for new comers states, Your Litecoin Address is like an e-mail address, and your private key is like your password.

Also, Luno has stated that Litecoin will be joining Luno in a couple of months. 

Charlie Lee, Creator of Litecoin in the past, stated Litecoin is to Silver like Bitcoin is to Gold. Several Litecoin investors feel that something should get done to cook some better profits for the community.

Being written on the Bitcoin is good for Litecoin, but the next best thing has not happened afterwards.