Blockchain and Reality: Attention to Expectations

The blockchain has been gathering increasing attention for some time, it can perhaps be said that despite being a complex technology it has become a “mainstream” theme. The themes of the blockchain are also treated by large newspapers, radios and televisions that rarely bring the attention to such innovative technologies. In many cases, the blockchain is proposed as “the solution” for problems and needs that come from afar and that have never been really satisfied by traditional technologies.

Expectations have increased significantly, not only for businesses but for consumers and citizens, for the possibilities of the blockchain. This situation on the one hand favors the debate and the growth of attention also by those who are working precisely on the development of new solutions. But on the other hand it creates a “dangerous” situation because some of the “beneficial effects” that are attributed to the blockchain today are the result of misunderstandings or a distorted reading of the very important possibilities of this technology.

Risk linked with blockchain

It is important to highlight that some expectations and the solution of some needs are not attributable to the blockchain. Let’s try and see some: The risk is that if the blockchain is now brought “in the palm of your hand” for what it can do. If it does not “keep these promises” in an equally radical way it can be “put aside”. More detail is available here at Bitcoin Future software.

The blockchain in the agri food sector

In the agri food sector, the blockchain is finding growing consensus, precisely because it can provide guarantees of reliability on often complex and often also very fragmented supply chains, not only for the size of the companies but for the culture itself of the organizations or countries in which they operate. . The blockchain is a platform that guarantees the certainty, the immutability, and the transparency of the data that accompanies the production.

This is a very important value that can be of great support, for example for Made in Italy. But one should not think that the blockchain is in itself a guarantee of quality, which can “alone” provide not only the certification but the quality of the product. The blockchain certifies the data and guarantees its identity and transparency for all actors. But if the data originally does not correctly represent the product that goes into production, if that data is “incorrect” the blockchain does not correct it. Indeed, the blockchain ensures that that “incorrect” data is kept intact along the entire supply chain. Therefore “it claims a possible error.”

The transparency of the blockchain is a possible corrective, everyone can see that data and everyone can (if they are in a position to do so) ascertain its value and propose a correction and a corrective (towards those who put it into production) but in itself not it is the blockchain that is able to ascertain the quality of the data. The blockchain guarantees the process of managing that data with all participants. Indeed, the blockchain ensures that that “incorrect” data is kept intact along the entire supply chain. Therefore “it claims a possible error”. The transparency of the blockchain is a possible corrective, everyone can see that data and everyone can (if they are in a position to do so) ascertain its value and propose a correction and a corrective (towards those who put it into production) but in itself not it is the blockchain that is able to ascertain the quality of the data.

The transparency connected to the automated smart contracts allows the creation of guarantee accounts for the management of funds connected to the recognition of values that are activated only when the achievement, verified and controlled automatically by the smart contracts, of certain objectives.

Identification of personal data – In a blockchain context, what can be recognized as personal data? The blockchain allows creating a decentralized Internet, where essentially no single entity owns or controls the IT infrastructure. Data used in the blockchain is completely safe. No one can misuse this data. So if you trading in bitcoin need not to worry about your data security, as it is completely safe.