Russian ministry has added Waves Enterprise blockchain platform to its official registry

  • Russian ministry has recently added the Waves Enterprise blockchain platform to its official registry.
  • Waves Enterprise can now gain better access to projects by the local government and public organizations.

Waves Enterprise has recently been added to the Unified Register of Russian Software for Computers and Databases by the Russian Ministry of Communications. Waves is an enterprise-grade hybrid blockchain firm. Documents published by the ministry described Waves Enterprise as a “cloud-based distributed ledger service and service for virtualization and storage of data.” 

A source from Waves has said that this inclusion is good for the company as the blockchain platform can gain better access to projects by local government and public organizations. It also allows the DLT firm to expand its services to the public sector. For Waves Enterprise to be added to the registry, it had to provide the necessary compliance documentation to the authorities, said Matvey Voytov – Waves Enterprise head of marketing. 

According to Cointelegraph, Voytov noted that the addition would not have any effect on the Waves Enterprise System Token (WEST) crypto. He added that the firm is a blockchain platform with a good market share in the Russian enterprise blockchain market. According to him, the inclusion of the firm in the registry has significant implications for the company.

The inclusion in the Federal registry of Russian software opens additional opportunities for getting into local government and public organization projects. […] [Solutions based] on the Waves Enterprise platform will receive priority in procurement for governmental and municipal projects. In this way, the company can expand its presence in the public sector.

He further added that Waves Enterprise is certain that Russia will use its technology because “Russia is actively digitalizing and applies new technologies in its strategies, including blockchain.”

The expansion of the use of domestic and localized versions of software for state needs is one of the priority areas in [the] Russian market, which was set by the government of the Russian Federation.