Ethereum (ETH) is Working on Improving User Experience with Improved Blockchain Technology Looking Beyond Rising Numbers

Lot of work is going on to ensure an excellent staking and validator user experience for Ethereum 2.0. All the work is happening while maintaining social distancing and online.  The community is staying sane and safe.

One of the Ethereum enthusiasts tweeted:  “The rest of the world might be at a standstill, but Ethereum 2.0 is progressing at an accelerated rate.”

To determine additional steps required to improve the overall staking and validation for the successful mainnet launch of Ethereum 2.0 – phase 0, preliminary research has been initiated with the interested key stakeholders in the existing Proof of Stake blockchain communities.

Being an open-source project, ongoing efforts in pooling the community to engage in sharing their insights for Ethereum Proof-of-Stake (UX) user experience is continuing.

Vitalik recently tweeted: “If you know some public good is very underfunded, but you think the main current entity trying to provide it is doing a bad job, pushing for its elimination is tempting but very dangerous. A more productive path is to leave the existing group alone but also support an alternative.”

Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted:  “Ethereum 2.0 beyond the Covid-19, government policies, economic crisis, ETH price – everything seems to be changing and evolving to infinity. All we have left now is – hope.”

Closely following up on the latest research and development update from the different talented builders who are working hard to expand their reach.

Ethereum (ETH) Artificial Bureaucratic Competition

Every project is different, and so is Ethereum. They are working on the bottlenecks, and some feel the network is spending more on ineffective things over time. Some opine that ETH is creating artificial bureaucratic competition.

Vitalik also tweeted:  “Mainnet-configuration eth2 testnet. Note that this is likely not quite yet “THE Multiclient Testnet™,” as we are likely going to do one or two restarts soon to have more chances to test the genesis mechanism. But still, huge progress and excellent work.”

As Vitalik stated, it is dreamy, but someone should dream first.  He previously expressed that we need to have mechanisms which will counter the tragedy for the commons for cross-national public goods.

Vitalik does not encourage those who just literally dream about the numbers go up without interest in technology. He also does not approve of fake maturity, and he called grumpy people as immature and further clarified that “Genuinely wise and mature people can express their wisdom without being grumpy about it.”

No matter who has to criticize the way ETH is working, great things are coming.