Chinese Public Blockchain Index Ranks Bitcoin 14th While EOS Tops List

The Blockchain Research Institute headed by China’s Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID) released its 17th Global Public Chain Technology Evaluation Index on April 10.

The index ranks 37 of the most widely used public blockchains by evaluating them under three different criteria: basic technology, applicability and creativity. The ranking of each project is then decided based on the sum of its scores under all the three sections.

According to the latest index, EOS ranks as the best performing blockchain project, while the most widely used blockchain, Bitcoin, has slipped down three places and now ranks 14th on the list.

Coronavirus pandemic has slowed down progress

While the overall index has not been largely affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic, “the update of selected public chain projects has slowed down.”

Same as the previous ranking, EOS, Tron, and Ethereum keep the first three spots on the list reserved to themselves. However, according to the basic technology index, Tron and IOST rank 2nd and 3rd, after EOS.

The applicability index ranks Ethereum as the top project, followed by Tron, Nebulas, and Xiaoyi. 

The highest scorer under the creativity index remains Bitcoin, with EOS, Ethereum and Application Chain following its lead.

Overall performance

BitShares has emerged as the best performing project, rising by 11 places and reaching 13th place. Big Zero, Dash, and NashChain also saw substantial improvements in their rank as they rose by 6, 5, and 4 spots.

The overall basic technology index saw a slight dip compared to the previous index whereas both the applicability and creativity indexes experienced minor increases.