BTC price aggregator Oobit Hunter fails to entice crypto fans

Oobit Hunter, a Bitcoin price aggregator, built by the P2P trading platform Oobit, has proven to be a dud. The tool is purportedly styled on the lines of SkyScanner and aims to deliver superior BTC price aggregator functionality to its users. The usage data suggests that the crypto community is not amused at the launch and has decided to give it a pass.

Another innovative product from Oobit known as the ‘Pass,’ has also not garnered much interest amongst crypto enthusiasts. Pass promises provide a single-window KYC passport solution that can be used on multiple platforms. The tool helps traders sift through KYC regulatory hurdles and provide simultaneous trading access to multiple crypto exchanges.

Oobit Hunter unfortunately just hosts affiliate links

Oobit Hunter was launched amid much fanfare. The team made sensational claims about unprecedented trading features. Unfortunately, the tool currently plays host to some affiliate links. Interestingly, there’s also a P2P exchange listing that offers a trading facility directly with the chief executive officer of Oobit, Amram Adar.

Built using advanced AI algorithms, the liquidity aggregator tool sifts through top exchanges to offers users the best available cryptocurrency prices. Coinbase was roped into providing escrow and custody services to the Oobit Hunter users. The tool serves both new and professional-grade crypto traders. From advance arbitrage to simple fiat-crypto purchases, Oobit Hunter promises to deliver on the many promises.

Oobit’s KYC passport is a unified access tool

Oobit Pass offers simultaneous access to multiple exchanges through a unified KYC mechanism. It employs cutting-edge facial optical character recognition for user verification at both the trader and exchange end. Partner exchanges are promised benefits, including reduced verification load, and smooth onboarding.

Both the products seemed ingeniously innovative with practical, real-world usage. But users have not taken to them positively. Oobit Hunter is nothing but an affiliate link dispenser, and Pass has not taken off yet. It is unfortunate that seemingly good innovations can sometimes fall flat for no reason.